When I was little I thought adults were from a different planet. They were so much older, bigger and smarter. Then I became an adult. The one thing that surprised me the most is the things we speak about. Little me thought the conversations of adults were filled with wisdom and the wonders of the world. What happened to the meaning of our words?
To think of every conversation you’ve had is quite the task, but there are the few that never leave your mind. They shape you, they change you and disrupt the constant. It is not something that happens gradually such as water drops refining a rock. It is more like they way a big wave suddenly crashes and shifts the entire rock. This one moved me like that.
In a lucky free moment, I sat alone at the base of a waterfall. The chatter of the world was gone, and all I could hear was the movement of water. The sun would set soon, but it was just enough time; just enough to meet the elementary school teacher. I gently nodded at her to embrace her presence and continued to move closer to the water. A few moments went by and she asked me if the water was cold. We began to talk and she told me that she planned to take her students on a field trip to the waterfall to learn about the place. We continued to talk and learn about the lives of each other. The next thing she asked me left me unable to think of words.
I wonder if she knew that in that moment, she would change my life forever. She invited me to visit the school one day. Then she asked, “what can you teach the kids?” At that moment I didn’t have an answer. After a long pause I said “I am not too sure, but I’d love to meet them.” Long after that, I have still been searching for the answer. The meaning of these words planted themselves in the back of my mind for months.
What I do understand is the power those words hold. In this temporary life, how can we leave behind something that lasts? What is it that I do that holds permanence? How can my life be translated? What would the younger version of myself think of me now? What do I have to offer? The questions kept coming and this might have been just what I needed.
One day, you’re a kid. You are innocent and pure, with a moldable mind, eager to learn. You have role models, superheroes and a favorite teacher. You grow up and these people shape you. You look back and thank them as you’re now an adult. My greatest question now is how can I be that person for someone else? Within this question lies all the answers to which I was looking for.
When I speak, I want my words to leave an echo of integrity. To live in this way is to honor the teachers of your life. You never know who might be listening or how it will affect them. We all learn from each other. In this way, we are all teachers with our own lessons. We must first learn the lessons for ourselves, and one day this may help another. Words are powerful.
Who was she?
I was feeling lost until I got her back, and you can too.
The Desecration of Kōloa
With a heavy heart, I share some recent events that are desecrating the south side of Kaua’i. The truth of Kōloa must continue to be brought to light
Journey of My Rain
A self reflection on the roots of my name, and how my life came to be.
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